AZ Store bought Greenhouse project/review 2018

If you had a chance to read our last post, we went over a few common questions about building a store bought Greenhouse. We decided to purchase one at our local Big Lots store. We had not taken much consideration into the purchase, aside from it is a big seller at the store during the spring and beforehand. We were always curious years prior as to wether it would even be worth the purchase.

Step one: Purchase a Greenhouse

Big lots greenhouse

Step 2: unbox

Step 3: Sort parts; probably one of the most important steps for time management. Also, the connection parts are labeled with Letters for easier sorting. (Very helpful!)

Step 4: Follow Step by Step guide (included in box)

Step 5: Cover with plastic covering (In photo, White PVC pipe and overhead sprinkler not included in kit, this was a separate purchase)

Step 6: Anchor down Greenhouse and Tie inside ties to the posts. We opted out of using the stakes that were included in the kit. The area where we live has very hard ground, and it tends to bend the stakes making them counter productive. We decided to use nails with an attachment as pictured below. (Found at ACE hardware, but available at most hardware stores)

Step 7: Enjoy the greenhouse and start planting! It was a very simple process setting up the greenhouse as instructed. The posts are not incredibly sturdy, so we don’t foresee this Greenhouse lasting many years, but you never know! We also decided to add an overhead sprinkler to hook it up to our irrigation system to allow for timed watering. This was our personal preference, due to our busy schedules.

We hope that this step by step set up will be helpful in any decision you have in purchasing a Greenhouse in the future! If you have any questions we would be happy to answer them. Follow our Instagram/Facebook/Twitter to get updates on our plants, what we planted, and see how it withstands! Thank you for reading this step by step tutorial/review brought to you by La Villita Landscaping LLC!

*Disclaimer- La Villita Landscaping was not provided with any monetary income for this review.

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